Je retiens surtout que chacun a quelque chose à raconter sur son bijou… à moins que ce ne soit l’inverse ?
A jewel is a precious object, often considered as a useless accessory… It is assumed that the jewel is of no use. But then, why is it so common?
So with my own prejudice about jewels, I started questioning people around me. What came out of these interviews is that the jewel is appreciated and worn for many different reasons – because it is precious, conspicuous, or discreet, noisy, chic, heavy, or ancient, etc.
The main thing I get from this is that everyone has got something to say about their jewel…unless it is the contrary…?
A quoi sert un bijou ?
C’est un objet précieux souvent qualifié d’accessoire, de futile... On suppose donc que le bijou ne sert à rien. Mais alors pourquoi est-il aussi répandu ?
Sous l’impulsion de mes propres préjugés sur les bijoux, j’ai débuté ma recherche en questionnant mon entourage. De ces échanges, je retiens que le bijou est apprécié et porté pour quantité de raisons : il est précieux, il est voyant, il est discret, il est bruyant, il est classe, il est lourd, il est ancien, etc.
What use is a jewel?
A jewel is a precious object, often considered as a useless accessory… It is assumed that the jewel is of no use. But then, why is it so common?
So with my own prejudice about jewels, I started questioning people around me. What came out of these interviews is that the jewel is appreciated and worn for many different reasons – because it is precious, conspicuous, or discreet, noisy, chic, heavy, or ancient, etc.
The main thing I get from this is that everyone has got something to say about their jewel…unless it is the contrary…?
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Telling Stories, broches / brooches |
Les broches sont des puzzles à deux pièces, où le système d’attache rend indispensable la conversation des bulles / The broches are two pieces puzzles where the conversation between the bubbles is essential for the fastening.
A propos d'A Fleur de Mots / About Jewellery from Words
A la fois designer et fabricante, je réinvestis les signes du quotidien pour créer des bijoux délicats et interactifs. En attirant l’attention, cette signalétique précieuse devient objet de communication : je souhaite ainsi provoquer des réactions, et créer un échange autour du bijou.
As a designer and maker, I turn daily signs into fine and interactive jewels. By drawing your attention, these precious signs become communication tools : my wish is to provoke a response, and to promote exchange around jewellery.
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Une histoire qui n'en finit pas... Never ending story.. |
Exempts de mots, les phylactères sont les mailles d’un collier dont seul le porteur écrit l’histoire / Free from words, the speech bubbles are links to a necklace whose wearer only can write the story.